Third Annual Project Meeting - Washington, DC

William's picture




The research team for the Integrated management strategies for Aspergillus and Fusarium ear rots of corn project held its third Annual Meeting at the USDA/NIFA Headquarters in Washington, DC on November 6, 2015. All researchers presented updates on their portions of the project, discussed short-term goals for the coming year and long-term objectives – both research and extension – for the remainder of the project. In addition, seven graduate students and research staff presented posters on their work and activities in the project. Four members of the project’s Strategic Advisory Committee – Dr. Deepak Bhatnagar of USDA/ARS, Dr. Matthew Henry of Dow AgroSciences, Dr. Bill Dolezal of Pioneer and Mr. Jeff Nunley of the South Texas Cotton and Grain Association – were also in attendance, and provided a great deal of valuable feedback and input. Thanks to all for their contributions to a productive meeting, and to Dr. Ann Lichens-Park of NIFA for hosting the meeting!

Project personnel and graduate students. Standing (L-R): Tom Isakeit, Felicia Wu, Gary Payne, Guri Johal, Burt Bluhm, Charles Woloshuk, Ignazio Carbone, Kiersten Wise, Greta Schuster, Bill Bogan, Won-Bo Shim. Seated (L-R): Weiran Li, Anna Freije, Nolan Anderson, Tyler Mays, John Ridenour, Jon Smith, Mansuck Kim.


John Ridenour, graduate student from the University of Arkansas, presents a poster on his research.


Student Posters from the meeting:

The Impact of Corn Mycotoxins and Current Management Practices in the United States (Anna Freije et al)

Transgenic Expression of a Receptor-like Kinase Gene in Corn to Reduce Aflatoxin Contamination (Weiran Li et al)